Dear Mom;
How are things going for you? Great I hope. Things are really busy out here, infact we are planning on setting a date with a family tonight and I am way excited for this family. They are way awesome. In fact Mom, this family surprised us and showed up at conference this last week, we didn't think they were coming, it was so awesome I almost jumped out of my skin. Well, things are going great here, it is starting to get a little cold, it has been in the 70's lately, still some what warm but there have been a few days in the last week where it was about 50 and I thought I was going to freeze to death, lol. I guess it get's pretty cold here in the winter, I am way excited cuz you can always put more clothes on when it is cold but when it is hot you can't take clothes off, lol. I am sure after a month or so of coldness I will want to be hot again, lol. It is crazy how things like that work lol. Wow! Kortneigh is getting married, huh? That's pretty crazy I didn't think it would be that fast. Tell her congrats! How did the big wedding go with the Koelzer family? Did they like what you did or what? Well, time is just flying by, I can't believe I am getting ready to hit my 7th month mark, it is so carzy. It seems like time goes by slow but it is actually going fast, lol. I am glad to hear that all the kids are doing well. Has Kel said if he is going to write to me yet? Well, I hope everything is going great for you Mom. I love you lots Mom, sorry this one isn't that long but my fingers hurt for some reason, lol. I don't know why. Love ya lots, take care Mom, I am going to print off some pictures for you today. Promise!
Hey Dad; How is it going. I am so mad right now, I just had a whole page to you and some how it just got deleted, oh man, I am so upset right now, I am not the fastest typer in the world either, lol. Things are going pretty good here. The family that we set a date with is coming along pretty good. We are planning on setting another date tonight with a family. There are 3 people in this family and I am way stoked for tonight. Speaking of the word stoked. I was surprised to see you using that word ,lol. I have never heard you say that before, lol. That's awesome Dad, lol. Conference was awesome. I loved it. I loved it so much that I wrote 6 pages of notes front and back, lol. I know! Hard to believe right! I was going crazy , I can't wait for the next conference to come around. I loved all the talks. Presidet Monson seemed like his countenance was alittle bit different this time. He throw's down alot more then he usually does , it was pretty crazy. The world is pretty small isn't it.I never would have thought that I would run into anyone that someone in the family knew, that's so carzy. I can't wait until this guy takes us out to lunch, I am pretty excited about that, lol. When is he planning on taking us out? Well things ya'll can do to become more familure with the Preach my Gospel is to first read the whole thing and second is read what the missionaries are supposed to do to get the members involved, then do those things. You know what I mean? Do the things that it says to get the members involved in the missionary work. You will love that book! Can't live without it. Well, Halloween is coming. So Kacie is making a spook alley. That is way awesome, I remember when we used to do that at the farm. I miss that. Well Dad we have a full schedual today so I got to get going. I love ya lot's Dad, keep up the awesome lingo. If you need new words just let me know. Love ya Dad.