President & Sister Robinson & Elder Eppich

President & Sister Robinson & Elder Eppich

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Getting Cold In Alpine

Hey! Dad & Mom;

Wow! Dad had to be at the airport at 5:00 a.m. That's crazy. I am sure he is excited about this little trip and being able to see Kyle and Natalie. No , the hurricane didn't do much to us over here, except it got down to about 50 degrees. Oh! it was so nice, but it was kind of cold so I wish I would of had my coat, but we survived. How long will you have Tia's kids mom? Mom I got the package with the cookies in it. I ate one of the bags in like one day. lol. I was so excited when I opened the box and there were those cookies. I am really excited for those muddy buddies that Kacie is going to make for me. Whenever I think of those my mouth waters. Thanks for sending the recipe for the muddy buddies. I am sure I will find someway to mess them up, lol. Well, I was kind of bummed about our investigator but we did all that we could do. We bore our testimony and I know that the spirit was there. You know Dad it is just like a horse, you can lead it to water but you can't make him drink. That is the same with out investigators, we can show them the Gospel but it is up to them weather they follow in Christ footsteps. All we can do is pray for him and hopefully he will come back. That scripture that you mentioned, Alma. it is a very good one. I would have him read it but we won't be meeting with him for awhile we are going to leave him alone for a little while and hopefully he will see that he needs this in his life. To look on the bright side of things we knocked into a family last night that is way tight. I am very excited for them. I can't wait to teach them next week. They are one of those families that you meet and just say " they need to hear the Gospel". They would help out the branch so much. They do have lots of LDS friends so that is very helpful. On the part member family. He wasn't able to make it to church Sunday because he picked up something that got him way sick. He even missed 3 days of work. We are going over there tonight, we are teaching the lesson on the importance of the Book of Mormon, it is going to be awesome, I can't wait. So our week has been pretty good. We are a little bit behind, I haven't been feeling the best this week but I am doing alright. We get to go to the Temple on Saturday with the youth. I am way excited about that. Hey! If you want I would love some farm apples. The apples down here are so bad. They are so small and not good at all. I don't like them one bit. lol. Well I had better get going. Love ya lots, Take care, can't wait to hear back from you. Love Elder Eppich

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